Hi, I'm Mike Merrill.

I live in Los Angeles, CA and I build projects. I'm most well known as the world's first (and only) publicly traded person.

I created KmikeyM where I sell shares in myself. That almost became a movie. It might be a TV show.

Previously I spent time as the Creator + Community Evangelist at Roll, I worked at Sandwich Video, making commercials for (mostly) tech companies. Before that I co-founded Chroma, a protocol software studio where I wrote a manifesto about pizza. I'm an alumni of the Barclay's Fintech Accelerator as well as the Nike+ Accelerator.

In these roles and others I've designed games, written VR training scenarios, hosted web-reality shows, produced podcasts, run blog empires, and I served in the US Army.

I haven't been to college yet but I read a lot. And I like to think of my ten years at Panic as a sort of apprenticeship. Oh, I did take a fabrication evening class at an art school once where I learned to weld.

You can contact me at kmikeym@gmail.com.